Make It So!

                                                                    Straight Shot ~ Philip Brent Harris


Peace is Purpose, Nonviolence is Strength,  Diversity is Unity, Empathy is Empowerment


Every day is a day to make new stories. Our own, the stories we alone can tell. Every day the stories we tell ourselves and others have the potential to change how we see the world, to change the world. You don’t believe me, do you, about your story? It’s true, but we must make sure we are telling our own story. Other people’s stories will not do. Nothing changes if our thoughts, words, deeds simply repeat what we hear, are told or have been taught. I’ve heard it said that doing the same thing over again and again and expecting a different result is one definition of insanity. Change is frightening, as we fear it will unmake us, or change us in ways we cannot imagine. We believe we will not recognize ourselves or be recognized by those closest to us. That we will not be equal to the task. Our world, our daily existence no matter how trying or shabby, fits us and we know where we belong. Even when we want to change, we often do not do so. Or, we try to change but fail, either because we attempt to tell a story which is not ours, or don’t fully invest ourselves in our own story.

Change is frightening, as we fear it will unmake us,
or change us in ways we cannot imagine

This is understandable, but we must refuse to accept it. We believe stepping into the unknown may break us into our constituent parts. That will, of course, happen in its time. Is our death, that ultimate change, what we fear the most? Worrying when death may find us is like worrying the sun will rise. These are both things over which we have no control. We may only choose how we will face each day. This wisdom is embodied in the phrase one day at a time. Even this sentiment is too broad to suit. There is only, ever and always, this moment, now. We remember our past and hopefully learn from it. We plan for the future to implement that learning. What we do this instant determines our lives.

Worrying when death may find us is like worrying the sun will rise.

Dream it, believe it, achieve it sounds like bumper sticker wisdom, but it is the essence of creating our own stories. Our dreams, inspired by everything that has made an impression on our lives, guide us to our own story. To believe, truly believe, is what allows us to become the embodiment of our story, the story only we can tell. Belief is what stitches each moment to the next and keeps our focus laser sharp. This is in no way connected to religious belief, but faith in our dreams and ourselves. This belief defines who we are and what we do. If we believe we will fail, we will always fail. And this is all too easy. The whole world tells us we are not good enough. Only when we believe we are enough can we move forward.

Each of us alone knows who we are inside… .

Until we believe we are sufficient to the life we live are we able to begin to direct that life where we choose. We may only go where we want, do what we want when we own our story. Dream it, believe it and achieve it. But, we must be careful what we wish for, as the saying goes. Our connection to everything, the all, our ground of being is what allows us to manifest our dreams, to tell our story. Think of this in religious terms, if this helps, but it is our intent that makes the difference. Remember, everything we think, our every doubt, our every worry, are heard as readily as our beliefs about our dreams, our prayers, if that is the way you picture it. We must exclude anything negative, anything not related to what we need. This is how we learn to be what we dream, to tell our own stories. Each of us alone knows who we are inside, what we need to share with the world. Only by living and breathing each instant in our story, as our story will we understand we are in control. No one can hold us back.

Let today, this moment, now be when we decide to tell our own new stories.


Peace is Purpose, Nonviolence is Strength,  Diversity is Unity, Empathy is Empowerment


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Philip Brent Digital Art

Vida Voices

Scriggler TPM

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