Category Thoughts About Art & Culture

A Little More

People Over Politics, World Over Wealth ~~~~ ~~~~~ I have tons of material, but have been posting infrequently, because I feel discouraged. This blog has existed for 10 years and I normally get one to three responses when I post. I feel it must be something I’m doing or not doing. I don’t what, and […]

Additions To Our Song

People Over Politics, World Over Wealth ~~~~~ ~~~~~ What if, each morning, we could tune ourselves to the deep world? The music of our sphere, which may no longer sound true, since we’ve changed not only our own instrument, but also the score. As our once harmonious composition sounds discordant and dissonant , harsh and […]

What Lingers

People Over Politics, World Over Wealth ~~~~~ ~~~~~ Cars flood the city streets. Stopping going, turning, honking. A vast confluence flows backwards, seeking sources for another day. Knowing they will flow back again. Until the flood of people crests, flows and eddies strange but known patterns. Sometimes disrupted by the unusual, like a tree falling […]

A Mother Bids

People Over Politics, World Over Wealth ~~~~~ ~~~~~ A mother bids the starlight to sing their child to sleep. Dreamless or happy romps in a land of make believe. That they could grow up in a world of peace and plenty.  History a horrid and horrific memory. If reaching out to seed stars and planets. […]

Blueprint and Homage

People Over Politics, World Over Wealth ~~~~~ ~~~~~ Having anything over explained, like describing the blueprint rather than describing the building. The blueprint may be equally exciting to the right audience. Start slowly. Elucidate a master architect’s vision, piece by piece, section by section. Growing more excited as you add to, and progress through the […]

Only You

People Over Politics, World Over Wealth ~~~~~ ~~~~~ Remember, the narrative of your life’s quite unique. All the most exciting or mundane days yours alone. Given anyone’s praise or their harsh critique, only you decide worth, faults for which you must atone. ~~~~~ Diversity is Unity, Empathy is Empowerment Peace is Purpose, Nonviolence is Strength, […]

Gather Our Folly

People Over Politics, World Over Wealth ~~~~~ ~~~~~ May I take on the travails of our small garden of Earth? No god or saint, I’m simply willing. Surely I must not be alone in this, the capacity to bear the burdens we have packed and long-shouldered? Through our hubris and false belief, misplaced confidence, we […]

Within My Heart

People Over Politics, World Over Wealth ~~~~~ Heart of the Matter ~ Philip Brent Harris   Within my heart, love expands. It grows, pushes against walls which you know are love itself, disguised as our friable flesh. Love carries blood throughout our fleeting houses, using it and replenishing it with the breath of the love […]

Darkness or Dawn?

People Over Politics, World Over Wealth ~~~~~ The rill trips down the watercourse, empties into a sheltered, shadowed pool where leaves float. Pool’s end, where the water drains, the sun glints, dances, and dazzles, forming ripples. Watch the stream broaden and slow, as rainbow hues glance from the sunlight shining low. Is it now the […]


People Over Politics, World Over Wealth ~~~~~ ~~~~~ The club, dark and smokey with pot and hash; cigarettes de classe. Whiskey and gin flow like the oasis fountains, As there, the air filled with foreign tongues all converse. Tables are full, the bar stands three deep. Men and women drink beer and vodka. While the […]