The Road Returns

                                                            Mind Field ~ Philip Brent Harris


Peace is Purpose, Nonviolence is Strength,  Diversity is Unity, Empathy is Empowerment


Follow now, with me, the unfolding Macadam,
through these dimmed, fly-specked windows.
Speeding from life, as if anyone gives a damn,
keep our heads down no matter where it goes.

On this concrete ribbon vanishing into distance,
we hasten through the night, scant illumination.
Unlike water, we follow path of most resistance,
as we put our trust in religion, group or nation.

Stop, walk away, from the raucous metal scream
Listen to the music of the clouds, voices of trees
Where sun dapples grass, flowers, water gleams
Counterpointed by scolding jays, buzzing of bees

Fast the fickle freeway flies, under turning wheels,
till we cannot admire this matchless countryside.
We complain it’s just not right, how this trip feels,
but then we’ll swear we’re only along for the ride.

Marvel at the serenity of nature, in tooth and claw.
Violent, but balanced, each to their place, season.
Glory and majesty of creation, past enough to awe;
try not to overanalyze, this is not a game of reason.

Who’ll provide memory for all we can’t remember?
Much forgotten, whether we’re moving fast or slow;
limb, ligature, thought and reason grow less limber.
Now is the time, turn around, so we follow the flow.

Slowing now, we drive closer to that distant shore,
the rhythmic crash, waves turning rocks into sand.
Can this be the place spoken of in ancient folklore?
Will our footsteps on the shore be what we planned?

Road returns upon itself, a mythic worm Ouroboros,
unless we exit onto blue byways, a new destination.
Are stranded, a dark roadside, lost in a deep forest?
Could we drive into the water, deny our desecration?


Peace is Purpose, Nonviolence is Strength,  Diversity is Unity, Empathy is Empowerment


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See more of my creative offerings and opinions at:

Brent Harris Fine Art

Philip Brent Digital Art

Vida Voices

Scriggler TPM

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