Songs of War ~ Songs of Peace


City on Fire

City on Fire

And will the savage songs of war never end
Replaced by the simple, sweet songs of peace
How can we ever forever our loved-ones send
When we know they feed the slavering beast

Why don’t we wonder why we never grow sane
When the best and the brightest are sent to die
Why do we choose blood, shed again and again
Listen to the war mongers tell the same lies

No matter the language, the time or the place
They exhort us to arms, to attack or defend
No matter the words or the look of the face
We feed lust, power and greed, don’t pretend

The blood is as red, the death still as final
Husbands, wives, daughters and sons simply cease
Civilian, soldier, adult or child, grown or small
Linger in prayer, memory; only the dead find peace

Why can we not turn away, avoid this horrid plight
Are we stupid or crazy, witless or utterly spineless
Can we ever choose not to go again into that night
While good people sing always songs of their blessed

And leaves will turn orange, yellow, red in the autumn
Grass will ever grow green blanketing earth in spring
The seasons will each in turn greet the new-rising sun
Whether humans remain will not matter a thing


  1. A powerful evocation – and rings so true, Philip.

    Why indeed that some exhort us to kill? Why indeed that many do their bidding mindlessly? Blood thirsty humans we — and in time, we’ll all perish from thirst because there’ll be no more blood to drink.

    And it’ll make no difference to the seasons.

    Peace and blessings,


    1. Thank you, Eric. Though a world away and more, your writing makes me feel we understand each other on a very basic level.


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